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51 Embedded System

Light on a waterlfall LEDs

We have previously successfully lit an LED on the 8051 microcontroller. But now I hope to advance a bit and light up a string of LEDs. Create a project and […]


How to deploy FRP services

FPR is an open-source project, thanks to the author. Here is the GitHub link for the FRP project: https://github.com/fatedier/frp Why do we need FRP? Network penetration As more and more

51 Embedded System

Let the LED flash

The previous article discussed how to light up the first LED. Today, let’s try making this LED blink. Program Design Thoughts We haven’t learned about the clock inside the microcontroller

51 Embedded System

Light on the first LED

Just as every student learning a programming language starts with “Hello World,” for those of us learning microcontroller development, the first lesson is to light up the LED on the

Raspberry Pi

How to choose your first Raspberry Pi

Why Use Raspberry Pi The Raspberry Pi, as the most popular Linux embedded development board internationally, has garnered significant attention, especially in projects by geeks and makers where the Raspberry

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