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Light on the first LED

Just as every student learning a programming language starts with “Hello World,” for those of us learning microcontroller development, the first lesson is to light up the LED on the microcontroller.

Today, I will record my first experience with the 51 microcontroller.

Picture of 51 STC chip

As shown in the picture, the 51 chip I am using is produced by STC, a Chinese company. If your chip is different, it doesn’t matter, as long as it follows the 8051 standard.

Software Preparation

To develop a microcontroller, you mainly need two pieces of software: Keil and a microcontroller download program.
Note that Keil currently only offers a Windows version and does not support MacOS or Linux yet.

Picture of Keil Application Icon

Picture of STCAI-ISP

How to Download Keil

This is very simple, just go to the official website to download it.
Here is the official website address: https://www.keil.com/download/product/

Picture of Keil website

Click on C51 and download it.

Download Microcontroller Burning Software

This may vary from person to person. I am using the 51 microcontroller produced by STC, so I use the official microcontroller burning software from STC. Choose the burning software corresponding to your chip.

Here is the official STC website: https://www.stcmicro.com/rjxz.html

Picture of STC official website

At this point, our preliminary preparations are complete.

Create a Project File

First, open the Keil5 software, then click on Project in the upper left corner and select New Project.

Keil click on Project

Second, choose your save location in the pop-up window, remember to give your project a name, then Save.

Keil save the project and give a name

Next is a crucial step. At the beginning of the article, I mentioned the 51 microcontroller model I am using: STC89C52RC. However, we cannot find STC microcontrollers in the software. What should we do?


It’s okay because my microcontroller strictly follows the 8051 standard. I just need to select a model that also follows the 8051 standard in the software. Search for my chip model 89C52 in the search box. I choose the Microchip company’s chip, which is also based on 8051. After choosing, select OK.

Choose Microchip 8051

In the next pop-up, select NO, as we do not need to copy the startup file.

No need to copy the startup file

Our project file is now created.

Enable HEX File Generation

After writing the code, we need to generate a HEX file and burn it into the microcontroller. Keil5 does not generate HEX files by default, so we need to enable this setting.

Click on the magic wand tool in the upper left corner.

Click magic stick

In the pop-up menu, select Output and check Create HEX File.

Create HEX file

Writing Code

Right-click on Source Group and select Add Files.

Add new file to group

In the pop-up menu, select .c file, give the file a name, and click Add.

Add .c file to the group

A new file is now added to the project group.

Show the new file is added to the group

Now we are ready to write the code.

Writing Code

First, we need to include a header file called “reg52.h,” which names different pins on the microcontroller.

The first LED on my development board is connected to the P2.0 pin. According to the manual, setting the P2.0 pin to low will allow current to flow and light up the LED D1.


We then give the P2^0 pin a name, such as LED1. The name doesn’t matter.

Next, we write a main function, placing our task in an infinite while loop, and set the LED1 pin to 0 (low level).


Compiling Code

The code is written, but only humans can understand it. To make the machine understand, we need to compile it.

Click the compile button in the upper left corner.

Build button

Check the compilation output below; if there are no errors, the compilation is successful.

Build Output

Burning the Compiled HEX File into the Microcontroller

First, locate the project folder, open the Objects folder, and find the HEX file. This is the file we need.

Open Object folder

HEX file

Then open the burning software.

Configuring the Burning Software (May Vary)

Connect the microcontroller to the computer.
This step is crucial; incorrect configuration will prevent burning.
I use STCAI-ISP, and everything is based on this software.

First, select the microcontroller model. In this software, the model must be exactly the same. Your chip’s model must match the software selection.

ISP MCU choose

My chip model is 89C52RC, so I select this in the software.

Then choose our interface.

Scan port

If your TTL chip doesn’t appear here, it may not automatically install drivers or is not driver-free. Install the driver first before burning.

No other settings need to be changed.


Turn off the microcontroller first.

Then select the file to be burned.

Choose HEX file

In the pop-up window, find the project location, select the hex file, and click open.

Open hex file

Start burning by clicking the download program button in the lower left corner of the software.

download program

When the status shows “Checking target MCU…,” turn on the microcontroller.
The software will automatically burn the file into the microcontroller.


Now you can see the LED on the microcontroller is lit up.

Lighting LED

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